Money isn’t everything. Marcy enjoys the interactions with patients. The new position would take her away from what she loves most about the job. What good is a bigger salary when you are miserable in the career?
Money isn’t everything. Marcy enjoys the interactions with patients. The new position would take her away from what she loves most about the job. What good is a bigger salary when you are miserable in the career?
Am I the only person that sees the parallel between Jonah and Quill? If he and Luann had continued to try their relationship, this is what she would have looked forward to. Always work, always some kind of audition or call back and never time for them. I would love to hope that Quill and Jonah meet up and Quill sees his future self in Jonah. Might cause some thinking.
I feel the same way sactiger. Al hasn’t sat right with me at all since he came onto the scene.