20230319 170055

laughingkitty Free

I live in a small town in southern Wisconsin (population around 1600). I love animals, especially cats and dogs and I am known as Mom by a bunch of cats. I like gardening (both vegetables and flowers) and I like to read. I also like writing and I have published a chidren's book called Wanda Weird. It's the story of a nine-year-old girl who is bullied by some mean girls in her class and how she learns to deal with them. I work in the garden center at a Walmart in Madison, WI. In the off season, I work in back-to-school, Halloween, Christmas, etc. AKA - "Seasonal". But garden season is by far my favorite.

Recent Comments

  1. about 3 hours ago on Ten Cats

    Today is:

    NATIONAL CUDDLE UP DAY. I will cuddle up with cats!

    NATIONAL TAKE DOWN THE CHRISTMAS TREE DAY. Already done! I’m glad to have that job out of the way so I can relax today

    NATIONAL THANK GOD IT’S MONDAY DAY. I’m always thankful for Mondays! It’s nice having Mondays off after working so hard all weekend.




  2. about 3 hours ago on Ten Cats

    Honesty is not Chesney’s strong suit!

  3. about 3 hours ago on Ten Cats

    I heard that Christmas stuff at Walmart will be 90% off starting today. We still have some 6 and a half foot (unlit) Christmas trees left. Around 15 of them, I think. They were $49. Today, they go down to $4.90. Someone will probably snap them all up and resell them for a profit. We have one bigger tree, too, with lights, but I don’t remember the price of that one. But at 90% off, it will be a steal for somebody. We don’t have a lot of Christmas items left, but someone will do well buying up boxed Christmas cards, too, for 59 cents a box. I don’t work today, but if things are 90% off today, I bet there won’t be much of anything left when I return to work on Tuesday.

  4. 1 day ago on Ten Cats

    From yesterday’s comments -valeries said,“I enjoy laughingkitty’s “special day” posts as well as dbrucepm’s “what happened this day” comments. Thank you to both.”

    And ladykat replied,“I also enjoy laughingkitty’s posts, along with dbrucepm’s. Thanks to you both for enriching my day.”

    And I want to thank you both for your comments. I know there has been a troll here occasionally who does not appreciate our comments , because they don’t pertain to the strip. But as long as people like our posts, I’m going to keep right on doing it. And I want to add my thanks to dbrucepm for his additions to my posts with his “On this day” posts. I have learned things from his posts. Thank you.

  5. 1 day ago on Ten Cats

    From yesterday’s comments, Publius10608218 said, “My kitty woke me at 4 this morning only to return later and keep sleeping when I had to get up for work at 7. I had to get out of bed around her while she just stretched and rolled over. Wish we could switch indeed.”

    This is why I love working the second shift. My work shift doesn’t start until 2:00 in the afternoon. So, I never have to get up early in the morning. I usually go to bed between 2:30 and 3:00 in the morning and get up at around 10:30. My cats are very good at NOT waking me up early in the morning. Several years ago, my work shift was from 7:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon. That meant that I had to get up at around 6:00 in the morning. Ugh! Very hard for someone who has never been a morning person. Even the day I was born, I didn’t come around until 2:30 or so in the afternoon. It was always hard for me to get up early in the morning and watch all the cats on my bed stretch out and go back to sleep while I had to get dressed and start my day. I couldn’t help feeling jealous of them. But now, even if the cats stay in my bed after I get up, it’s okay because I don’t get up until I’m ready to get up. My cats do the same.

  6. 1 day ago on Ten Cats

    Today is:





  7. 1 day ago on Ten Cats

    Bee-ware of Bluebell! Or you may not bee long in this world!

  8. 2 days ago on Ten Cats

    tad sees so many birds every day on his walks, that sometimes I get a little jealous because I have not been seeing many birds lately. And I don’t see any of the ones that tad sees! I see flocks of geese flying overhead or flocks of turkeys in farm fields, but that’s pretty much it. But I got the surprise of my life driving to work yesterday afternoon. I saw an adult bald eagle feeding on a deer carcass. I know that bald eagles can always be seen along the Wisconsin River, but this was nowhere near the river. It was an amazing sight to see!

  9. 2 days ago on Ten Cats

    Today is:




    NATIONAL PLAY OUTSIDE DAY. Nope! No way! It’s going to be a freezing cold day. No outside play today!

  10. 2 days ago on Ten Cats

    Funny – I’m falling asleep too! Must be something in the air!