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  1. over 8 years ago on Luann

    Gunther’s anger has been coming across as entitlement to me, as if his liking Bernice means she has to like him back or else. You can be disappointed that she likes someone else, not angry that she didn’t acquiesce to your plan for her. He may be trying to spin it that she is in the wrong for pushing him toward Tiffany, but I ’m not buying that that is the reason he is mad. Gunther is making me uncomfortable.

  2. over 8 years ago on Luann

    Since when are Luann and Quill opposites? She was involved in the high school play. She used to sing and help with set design. She doesn’t hate theatre; just wants Quill to make her a priority. Funny how when another girl shows up he suddenly decides Luann and he have nothing in common. I had hoped Gunther would call him on it.