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  1. over 8 years ago on Prickly City

    Of course he has a policy: build a wall, and force Mexico to pay for it; deport 11,000,000 Mexicans; stop the Pacific trade agreement; shut down NATO; ignore Russia and praise its leader, the homicidal Vladimir Putin; force U.S. businesses to bring their factory work back here (I thought Republicans were all about free trade), add $10 trillion to U.S. debt, and insult people at will, for a few examples. Wake up, Stantis—you do have a serious choice to make here—a qualified, though justifiably controversial, Hillary, or a caricature, an unserious blowhard and showman. We can’t allow the Republican choice to lead the country. It would be to our everlasting shame and make a mockery of the United States.

  2. over 8 years ago on Prickly City

    You got that right, sandflea. They would destroy the country by voting in the orange creature and are too naive to see it. Putin would love to see Trump win.