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Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Luann

    I respect them. Would never fake that.

  2. 2 days ago on Luann


  3. 2 days ago on Luann

    TJ is lot more supportive than Bernice. People act like they have never busted balls with each other. This is like the couple walking together where she is wearing the tee shirt that says ’I’m with stupid’

  4. 2 days ago on Luann

    They switched arcs. Wow.

  5. 2 days ago on Luann

    I doubt it.

  6. 2 days ago on Luann

    Lots of fire stations do them already, so yes that is feasable

  7. 2 days ago on Luann

    It was funny

  8. 2 days ago on Luann

    I would wear it. It’s a joke.

  9. 4 days ago on Luann

    Just proved my point.

  10. 5 days ago on Luann

    You have posted many provoking comments that are meant to set people off. I am not the only one who has engaged with you before. BShipley and I have had our moments but it never started on either side with just plain provocation.