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Recent Comments

  1. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    This is Fred’s world

  2. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    Go get ’em Yorky! ;)

  3. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    It is Fred’s Ooops! moment :)

  4. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    I say, both Fred!

  5. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    HAHAHA! very funny Fred! Enjoy your vacation with the Tucker twins.

  6. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    His name is Bruce

  7. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    The best of Fred and friends ever!!!

  8. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    Patience patience Fred and Jock! Yorky has a lot things to say.

  9. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    Get bigger kiddy car Mia!

  10. over 7 years ago on Fred Basset

    and Jock is tired doing his tricks! BTW! there is no such thing as “very stupid looking dog” All cats and dogs are beautiful and smart, only owners :)