Currently we have four: Susanna, named after our BCN Susanna, Morrigan the Magical, Kitten Boy because his real name of Jaguar never fit him, and Louisa who was named Cheese Louise by my DIL.
I just read the 21 BCN comics I could not access while in hospital again. Wow!! Now is the Orb okay? Anyone in jeopardy? Did we hear from TampaFanatic?
My English grandmother taught me how to make her approx. 3-inch fruit mincemeat pies. none such is a go-to in my house! I love my baking memories. Can’t make them this Christmas though.
Thanks to everyone who Sent responses re my rotator cuff surgery and tale of complaint re my. ER s incompetent service a month ago. Surgery was delayed until yesterday. I tore the cuff in august. The ER finished off shredding it in October. So yes I was forced to ha e an open replacement of the whole thing rather than a few stitches in the one God gave me. Thanks especially to messages from our gifted nurse FreyaRN and our Denny. Of course She Who Runs ThE Universe Via Australia intervened on my behalf too so our Robin is not banned. Thank God for a good surgeon, a good Hubby, and nerve blocks.
Age 67. Made hundreds of pot holders woven at home from a kit. My mom used the holders faithfully for years. The Vermont Coun try Store catalog still carries the kits.
Currently we have four: Susanna, named after our BCN Susanna, Morrigan the Magical, Kitten Boy because his real name of Jaguar never fit him, and Louisa who was named Cheese Louise by my DIL.