The eye of god

Woodstock Generation Premium

Recent Comments

  1. 16 days ago on Gary Varvel

    This debate approach would leave Mango Mussolini sounding better than he normally does with his slanders, lies and hate filled short statements. The cartoon even improves his appearance.

  2. 19 days ago on Lisa Benson

    Brilliant move would be to give the country back to the Mango moron who inherited a great economy and destroyed it so he can do it again.

  3. 22 days ago on Bill Bramhall

    Retribution is part of the problem. Both sides have members who are very much old religion with an “eye for an eye” mentality. Unfortunately the terrorist organization Hamas are hiding in civilian areas and are claiming that the Israelis are indiscriminate. I think Israel could have done more to limit casualties of civilians by moving unarmed civilians to Israeli territory. This wouldn’t have been easy but would have had free-world support. Ultimately Hamas must be destroyed or the entire scenario will repeat itself in a few short years. But the big risk of too aggressive attacks is the potential creation of support for Hamas among Palestinians. I wonder how many Palestinians have been tortured or killed by Hamas. P.S. I understand that the number of civilian deaths is a Hamas number and may not be trusted.

  4. 23 days ago on Bill Bramhall

    I would like to ask all the students that support Hamas if they support the kidnapping of other young students, the rape and torture of these students and the failure to return them.

  5. 25 days ago on Pedro X. Molina

    Agreed. And I believe that the violent settlers have not always been dealt with under the rule of law and this has been a major fault of a democratic country like Israel. It has put them in a bad light with international law and other countries.

  6. 25 days ago on Scott Stantis

    I did look at the allegations by an Israeli doctor and as usual a small amount of information is dangerous. The amputations have occurred due to injuries caused by handcuffs, which may or may not have happened due to prisoners trying to escape and may or may not be the result of inadequate health facilities to care for TERRORIST prisoners who are trying to kill the captors after they had started a war. I don’t believe that very many Israelis are involved with torturing HAMAS terrorists despite what they did to young Israelis at a music festival, but I do believe the allegations by the Palestinians and the evidence from the October 7 attack that the HAMAS TERRORISTS regularly torture and kill innocent Israelis and Palestinians.

  7. 26 days ago on Pedro X. Molina

    Ancient authoritarian regimes were probably racist but tolerated intelligent hard working foreigners who kept out of the power struggles. Those regimes tended to be more hereditary than religious. I don’t think most people in Iran, Syria etc. hate, but remember a lot of the death, torture and imprisonment has happened to Muslims of different sects or who wouldn’t support terrorist regimes like Hamas, ISIS and the Revolutionary Guards in Iran. According to reports they murder young women for not dressing appropriately and some have been accused of sexually assaulting or raping these teenagers as well.

  8. 26 days ago on Scott Stantis

    A number of Palestinians are speaking out about being tortured and manipulated by the racist and terrorist regime of Hamas.

  9. 26 days ago on Pedro X. Molina

    This is not true. Jewish communities existed in major middle eastern countries and north Africa for millennia. Anti-semitism is a relatively recent phenomena.

  10. 26 days ago on Pedro X. Molina

    Hamas may have killed more Palestinians than Israel has. They have been in power a long time torturing and killing Palestinians.