I would advise the artist to check out the greatest response to this question ever. It appears in the 2002 documentary “Spit In Your Eye”. Morgan Lander, lead singer of the band “Kittie” was talking about interviewing on a late-night show. “First question is always the same – what’s it like to be a female in rock?” Her response? “It means I have a vagina, uterus, and ovaries, instead of a penis and testicles.”
I would advise the artist to check out the greatest response to this question ever. It appears in the 2002 documentary “Spit In Your Eye”. Morgan Lander, lead singer of the band “Kittie” was talking about interviewing on a late-night show. “First question is always the same – what’s it like to be a female in rock?” Her response? “It means I have a vagina, uterus, and ovaries, instead of a penis and testicles.”