I walk three times a week, 2 miles each time. I do warm-ups after breakfast, treadmill for 20 minutes, then stationary bike for 20 minutes, two days a week. I stopped weighing myself and I no longer am worried about my BMI. That’s because no matter how I feel at the start of each day, I always seem to be in better spirits for the rest of the day, after working out. So that’s my goal: workout to feel positive.
Sometime ago, I listen to a lecture where the speaker develop the idea that indoctrinating children into a religion was a form of child abuse. It was interesting and thought-provoking. Surprisingly, the examples that were provided did not include priest on child sexual abuse, nunneries selling the babies of unwed mothers, or missionary schools brainwashing indigenous peoples children.
As you so clearly stated, the RepubliQins” hypocrisy is out in the open for all to see. Now matter how hard they try to “Tucker Carlson” the truth, the truth will always be there for all to witness.
We’re at the mercy of both and the effects our collective greed over time has had on both. Can our collective will mitigate? Hope so.