Thank you
Isn’t Princess married to the sea captain? I don’t remember where Paisley fits except for mom to Bandit’s kittens.
Iggy is a BABY! And he always says “I’m sorry”. I know I could never tell him no.
I love how the smol cats hang out with, under, on top of the kids.
Love the cup of tea and the tissue box. I can relate.
My “baby” is 55 and retiring this year.
Same for mine.
Iggy looks pretty smug. Maybe the sticky note was left for Tortimer the same way Tillie left the notebook for Puck.
The week is young. We still need to wake everyone up. And get back to the camp heater story.
I always am a little suspicious of something you’ll “never see coming” (quote OZ) especially when we’re talking about computer bugs.
Thank you