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  1. 29 days ago on Shoe

    As Mitch Hedberg said, an escalator can’t break, it just becomes stairs.

  2. about 1 month ago on Brewster Rockit

    Not really amazing. Poll after poll showed Americans wanted anything but another Biden/Trump rematch. Harris may not have been popular as VP, but she breaks up that rematch.

  3. about 2 months ago on Get Fuzzy

    Seems like he borrowed Satchel’s haiku, in addition to his notebook: see the comic from 2009/01/07

  4. 2 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    And if they’re smart, they’ll throw them away and buy LEDs. Where I live, electricity costs about $.10/kWh. If a 60W equivalent LED costs $3.50 and a 60W incandescent is free, the LED will pay for itself in a little over two months if it’s used 8 hr/day.

  5. 5 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I say, anyone who uses “ask” as a noun needs to have their ask kicked.

  6. 7 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I tried with Google Gemini:

    Panel 1: Rat sits at a cafe table, sipping espresso and reading a philosophy book titled “Existential Angst for Dummies.” Pig stands next to him, looking confused.

    Pig: So, Rat, whatcha learnin’ today? More fancy words to make my head hurt?

    Rat: (Smug) Not at all, Pig. I’m delving into the very essence of being, the futility of existence, the cosmic void staring back at us…

    Pig: (Confused) Uh-huh…Sounds yummy. Is it a new recipe? Can I have some?

    Panel 2: Rat slams the book shut, exasperated.

    Rat: No, Pig! It’s about life’s deeper meaning, the struggle for purpose…

    Pig: (Suddenly serious) Oh, like trying to reach the bottom of a Pringles can with your stubby little arm? That’s a struggle I know!

    Rat: (Facepalms) Not quite… It’s about questioning our place in the universe…

    Pig: Is it because the Earth is round? I still don’t get how we don’t all just fall off the bottom!

    Panel 3: Rat throws his hands up in defeat.

    Rat: Forget it, Pig. You wouldn’t understand existential angst if it bit you on the…

    Pig: (Suddenly looks terrified) Wait, existential angst bites?! This philosophy stuff is dangerous!

    Rat: (Sighs) Never mind. Let’s just order more coffee.

    Panel 4: Rat and Pig sit back down, each with a large coffee. Pig reaches for a donut.

    Pig: You know, maybe the point of life is just enjoying simple pleasures like coffee and donuts. You don’t need all that fancy thinking.

    Rat: (Ponders) Hmm, perhaps you’re on to something, Pig. Maybe happiness really is the absence of…existential angst?

    Pig: (Smiling) Or maybe it’s just having donuts! Now pass the sugar, existential buddy.

  7. 11 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Or, was this his inspiration?

  8. 11 months ago on Broom Hilda

    But we don’t grow cows for fun, we grow them for meat and dairy. As far as I know, the end products of cows don’t produce methane either, it’s the production process (i.e., the cow living). So comparing the two is apples to apples. His only error is not comparing the scale. For the curious, beef production apparently produced 20X as much methane per pound of product: >

  9. 12 months ago on Broom Hilda

    If you’re being deliberately obtuse, sure. But preparing the ground for the next season is part of the life cycle of a crop. The methane is in fact emitted as part of growing rice, 12% of global methane emissions according to WWF.

    Now, perhaps a better question would be how much methane is emitted per meal of rice or beef.

  10. 12 months ago on Broom Hilda

    I looked it up. Apparently the methane is produced when the rice stubble is either burned after harvesting or flooded. So it is from the rice plants. But there are techniques to reduce emissions, they just use equipment that costs more than most rice farmers can afford.