First you need to realize that people making that kind of money are personally incorporated. Their family in set up that way for tax purposes to begin with and now they get a massive cut in corporate tax.
As opposed to large corporations raising prices and cutting income by firing older more knowledgeable workers and hiring people who don’t have adequate training so you get an inferior product. I believe that also qualifies for picking pockets. And you don’t owe me anything. No police or fire department or regulations against drunk driving or even Social Security which I pay into on a contract the Government which used the money for other things like wars and minor invasions. something we ARE entitled to since it is OUR money.
Every study ever made by legit sources has shown that Republicans vote Republican like programed robots as far back as the 1960’s. When you can rely on that kind of blind loyalty, you then only have to fool part of the people part of the time.
You have the foolish idea that the poor CEOs actually operate at a loss. Look at their bonuses and you find they are based on cutting costs and jobs. They get paid whether they do actual work or not. They don’t care if the product is good since they can sell it to anyone. They even managed to see in incompotent used real estate salesman to video fools. I work for Honda. HONDA. We make more cars in the US than any other automaker. The Japanese long ago realized Henry Ford’s basic truth never taught in business schools today since Adam Smith idiocy thrives: You pay your employees enough to buy your product and your business will thrive. They employ US workers at working wages to produce a product they can buy. US automakers have been so busy fleeing to parts unknown, paying their workers dirt and then still charging through the nose for an inferior product, you might not have noticed the CEOs get ungodly bonuses which are the real robbers of company profit. A tax return increase to the actual US buyers would be a mild stimulus. But automation is coming and the refusal to increase infrastructure spending merely points to the fact they are moving OUT of the US and there will be no prohibitive tariffs to stop them. Anything else is Fox News.
no, you will have to EARN those pennies. Plenty of shoes to shine