We used to call the macaroni/ground beef/ tomato stuff in school ‘miracle chopped sewage’. Had other names for some of the stuff they served us. But a lot of it was actually pretty good.
I moved to South Carolina about 4 years ago. They have almost no idea what to do with snow. And no equipment to deal with it. An inch shuts everything down.
I’m still not sure if I should be amused or scared.
Our big tuxedo boy (my avatar) was named Louie when we got him at a PetSmart adoption event. We changed that to Luigi. Eventually he ended up being called Woobat. His meow was less of miao, and more a soft “woo?” It just sort of stuck. He crossed the bridge last July, after he lost his fight with kidney disease at 11.
After Enzo passed, we got Takashi named after one of my online friends ‘game name’. He’s the only registered meezer we’ve had, so he’s officially Tanari Cats’s Takashi. That’s his “vet name” Around the house, he’s Squid. (Squidweasel, IdiotChild, Squeezel..) My lat husband called him that – his comment one day was “he looks like a little white squid” This was while holding him upside down, and watching all the legs wave in the air.
Right now, he’s an only (lonely) boy, but I’m looking into getting a ‘brother’ for him soon. Since I won’t be getting a kitten, rather somebody closer to his age, the next cat will arrive with his own name.
Dervish It was his last day at the SPCA, (which we didn’t know untl after) and we arrived just in time to offer him a forever home. He walked out of his cardboard crate, and just turned in a circle several times, looking at “all this house”.Then he walked through the rooms in a bigger circle. He stayed with us for 19 years.
Max Our first Siamese, he was already named after his dad when we got him at 8 weeks. But he was also known as Max Ti’en Lung (Celestial Dragon); and Maxrat, because of his skinny little kitten tail, but mostly as just plain The Rat.
Enzo arrived after Max passed. We were watching a show called Reboot, at the time, and one of the main characters was Enzo. He got Taa Si Fa added to his name, which is an approximation of ‘Blue Eyes’ in Thai.
Rusty & Pearl were next to come home with us. Rusty was, of course, orange (and rarely got to share the one brain cell.) He came with that name from the rescue place. Bitsy was black and white, and needed a ‘better’ name – so she became Pearl. That gave them both names from Starlight Express – the Engine, and the Observation Car. We lost her too soon to cancer, and Rusty (aka Faffy – the idiot dragon from Dave the Barbarian) more or less died of stupidity :-(
I hadn’t seen the first run. I figured Satchel sat on it, and it was tucked in a different set of folds