True when looking at the yearly percentages into the decimals, but just back up and look at the overall rate of growth – it’s a steady increase overall with no significant decrease. In fact, I just googled “current world population” and the simple line graph that showed up paints the perfect picture.
Again, 8 billion people. I honestly can’t see any danger of dying out due to an insufficient number. if a few million (or tens of million, or even hundreds of million) people decided not to have children for a generation or two, we’d still be fine population-wise.
There are nearly 8 billion people on this planet. 8 billion. It was up to 3 billion in 1960 – when the effects of overpopulation were becoming apparent – and has shown absolutely no sign of decreasing its rate of expansion. In most places, it’s getting harder and harder to provide enough resources for them, paramount among these dwindling resources is fresh water.
I think if we at least hold it to 8 billion, we’re not in any danger of going extinct from a lack of people.
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