I think I know how you now. Probably something along why I now regularly check if the water main can still be moved (fortunately the leak was the tap for the tub).
I was expecting comments in the style of: Don’t postpone till tomorrow what you can persuade someone to do the day after tomorrow! That has been my solution to avoid procrastinating, but more about that some time in the future.
njet, nej, yok, hayir, nei, ie (and of course no, non, niente, nein). Russian and Japanese negation ist almost all I now of those languages except for priviet and gosai mazda.
To get rid of the waste from chemical factories by concealing it as “healthy” food. I do like to cook vegetarian and occasionally vegan too, but I never try to make it look or taste like meat. When I want meat I cook and eat meat (thus being flexitarian).
At 19 I was pretty sure of what I wanted to do. I too wanted to be a pilot, but was rejected by the airforce because of my height. I didn’t understand that till 15 years ago when I first had the chance to be in the cockpit of the training planes – I couldn’t get in there because of my height and broad shoulders. Then I changed paths a few times and when I was 29 I again started from scratch at something quite different. At 39 I was still on this path and slowly getting settled in. At 49 same branch of work, but in a different country. At 59 I started looking forward to retirement. At 69 after three years in retirement and surviving two lifethreathening chronic illnesses I was just happy to be alive. Now I’m looking at chances for con amore jobs – which builds on my lifetime experiences from different lines of work, but without any pressure neither from economy nor bosses.
I think I know how you now. Probably something along why I now regularly check if the water main can still be moved (fortunately the leak was the tap for the tub).