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  1. about 1 hour ago on Mike Luckovich

    Strange to think so, but Britain’s classism is quite likely at fault. Only the public schools (a term that completely confuses most USAians when told what it means) provide a basic edu worth the name. The kids whose parents can’t afford the fees are as abandoned by society as the “inner city” kids in the US

  2. about 1 hour ago on Clay Bennett

    someone could be the best person on the planet, do all kinds of good, but if they didn’t believe in Jesus the god they would go to hell.

    That’s very close to the original Presbyterian dogma

  3. about 1 hour ago on Clay Bennett

    The original use and meaning, iirc, was to identify Vermont military before and during the Revolution.

  4. about 1 hour ago on Clay Bennett

    Who else could it be?

  5. about 1 hour ago on Lay Lines


  6. about 15 hours ago on Doonesbury

    he was not one to approve of a populist leader with a dominance over society.

    Okay, fairy nuff. But from around Korea on he really always seemed a Libertarian-style fascist to me, or just right-wing Libertarian if you prefer.

    One example was his “rule” that if you go to buy a horse from him, he wouldn’t even guarantee that the horse has 4 legs, much less anything else important and less-obvious. Truth-in-advertising is a big part of honesty and social goodness; not many would want to do without it.

  7. about 20 hours ago on Ted Rall

    It’s not that hard to work out what Ted favors. What’s opposite to the things he opposes? He’s definitely not okay with the mass-murder of defenceless innocents whether or not labeled genocide. He’s not okay with the rich screwing over the rest of us. He’s not okay with US citizens being too spineless to effectively oppose the authoritarians and autarchs. He’s not okay with oligarchy whether plutocratic or not. And, like the late Dr Lovelock, he is very, very not okay with the end of high-order life on Earth because we who could do something about that are too effing lazy to get up off our erses.

    That’s a sample.

  8. about 20 hours ago on Doonesbury

    But he was a kind of fascist too ( the US-Libertarian kind). He was socialistic-y early on, but the only thing left for me to admire after he turned fascistic was his love of cats. I don’t think he ever lost that, tho I admit I chose not to read his later books.

    And I thought this dictum was very accurate: no matter where or when, there are makers, takers, and fakers.

  9. about 21 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    So this is about Trump? I spoze it makes sense, but Wiley made it a bit too opaque for me to get it without help.

  10. about 21 hours ago on Ted Rall

    I’m fairly sure that you’re right about big pieces of their pipe dream getting abandoned..

    Most of his voters were the blue-collar workers who can’t abide the Hillarys and who want to be recognised for all they do to keep the country going. (The comment by the heavy-equip op in her late 50s in Ohio about why she voted Trump was poignant) They likely didn’t really know anything about Trump or thought the charges were a frame-up that would go away.

    But now that they see he’s been convicted, that’s going to chill them. They know that they don’t have the money for a top lawyer or the political clout to escape being framed up, especially if they were trying to Live While Black, so if it can happen even to Trump, (whether or not they believe he was framed) then they know they have no hope, and he won’t be able to do anything for them either (if they still think he’s on their side).