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Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Chip Bok

    The “major media outlets” that are owned by monopolistic global corporations? The ones who constantly serve the interests of capital and the maintaining of the status quo? These media outlets cannot be accurately described as “leftist” in the slightest.

  2. 4 days ago on Chip Bok

    What is this “leftist media” you are referring to? Democracy now? Unicorn riot? Where can one even find leftist media these days?

  3. 6 days ago on John Deering

    Please pardon my infantile concerns about imperialism and nuclear war. Really, I just wish I was sophisticated enough to comment that trump is totally BFFs with these officially-designated Enemies-of-Freedom, or insightful enough to depict the leaders of non-compliant nations atop a mountain of human skulls.

  4. 6 days ago on John Deering

    This is some really Inane jingoist consent-manufacturing garbage. Let’s all ignore the mountain of corpses the American corporate empire runs on and focus on these dirty foreigners. We need continue provoking a nuclear world war so we can stop these official bad-guy evil-doers!

  5. 11 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    The people who are defending biden and ignoring his mental decline aren’t leftists.

  6. 14 days ago on Ted Rall

    Biden has been in dc doing the bidding and legislating in the interest of the capitalist “investor” class for half a century. While he certainly isn’t the only culprit, he deserves plenty of blame for America’s current dystopian collapse.

  7. 17 days ago on Ted Rall

    “untold misery and suffering world wide“ is guaranteed regardless of which of these two old crackers ends up as this brutal corporate empire’s next figurehead. Vote however you think is best.

  8. 26 days ago on Ted Rall

    It is a well-documented fact that the dnc spent around fifty million dollars to promote far-right fascist lunatics in 2022, ostensibly to make their worthless neoliberal candidates seem better in comparison. They have continued this strategy this election cycle because being the “lesser evil” is essentially the party’s only selling point. And don’t forget Hillary’s “pied piper” strategy that helped put trump in the White House.

  9. about 1 month ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    That’s just capitalism. Trump, red maga & blue maga are symptoms, not the disease.

  10. about 1 month ago on Ted Rall

    American soldiers aren’t murdering people overseas to “defend our rights”. They are doing so to enrich war-profiteers and control resources for the US corporate empire. The never-ending wars are not for the benefit of ordinary american citizens and you are far too old to believe in such absurd fantasies.