Clock tower does not have top priority as renovation of the buildings. After all, bulk of the money will be made when they open as stores and food courts.
All of the aforementioned is terrific, but I want to know what part the deceased had to do with it. That has not become clear yet. How many days are we into this story?
It seems like Tracy and MCU operate on the level of consultants. Their expertise is sought from divisions such as homicide. Is this the future for the strip? Any action which takes place gets left to the reader’s imagination.
So the deceased was snuffed out to close off any links he had with the Totten Organization. Did the guy have a rap sheet? Homicide is dealing with what looks like a robbery. As they say, appearances can be deceiving.
Stanton and Fred Totten’s reason for their visit is blank. A coincidence? Maybe yes, maybe no.