Mass murder is a thing in African, predominantly Black, countries. Unless we choose to consider them not mass murderers but political operatives representing some type of ideology.ünchausen_syndrome_by_proxy“Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP or MBP) is a behaviour pattern in which a caregiver fabricates, exaggerates, or induces health problems in those who are in their care.”
“One study showed that in 93 percent of cases of MSbP, the abuser is the mother or another female guardian or caregiver. Typical, white female abuser.”
The most famous example is Marybeth Tenning who killed her 9 children over the course of 14 years because she liked the attention she was getting.(Found here
Women tend to be POISONERS not shooters.Women also tend to be abusers.Women poison people for money and abuse other women as with the recent Feminist Erotica pimp.Women abuse the handicapped.I imagine if one totals the damage done by women versus the damage done by mass shooters one would find women far more dangerous to the public health.The majority of mass shooters have mental health issues and are on anti depressants which tends to amplify violent thoughts and actions.One of the greatest increases in crime rate statistics come from the female sector.
Mass murder is a thing in African, predominantly Black, countries. Unless we choose to consider them not mass murderers but political operatives representing some type of ideology.