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Recent Comments

  1. 6 days ago on Doonesbury

    Several universities have given their students notice. Based on what the demented Fat Orange Clown did in his first term, be on campus before January 21 if you want to do another semester.

  2. 27 days ago on Off the Mark

    Karl : I like them French fried potaters.

    Vaughan Cunningham : You always seem to be deep in thought. Tell me, what are you thinking right now?

    Karl : I was thinkin’, I’m gonna take me some of these taters home with me.

  3. 27 days ago on Reality Check

    Who is GM?

    I was going for this Harrison Ford:

    In her 2016 autobiography The Princess Diarist, Fisher wrote that she and Harrison Ford had a three-month affair during the filming of Star Wars in 1976.

  4. 27 days ago on Doonesbury

    Generations over the millenniums cannot be wrong.

    Also a cure for early November screw ups although many of them screwed the pooch because of it.

  5. 28 days ago on Reality Check

    So who is going to get Leia.

    Fisher got a Ford in the real world.

  6. 28 days ago on Reality Check

    Too punny for words.

  7. 28 days ago on Doonesbury

    What you need is some coke and a crushed blue pill chased down with an energy drink and you can go all night. —- Matt Gaetz

  8. 28 days ago on Doonesbury

    Wine when it is its time is the most divine.

  9. about 1 month ago on Doonesbury


    “Trump is not long for this world. His Alzheimer’s is pretty far along now, and getting worse. If he lives to see the end of this term, he will be so far gone he won’t know whether he is president or not.”

    If Article 25 is implemented then we are stuck with J-VD who is walking-redneck-diseased-cruelty. Hopefully it’s a long shot because the ones who can do it most likely want to retain unchecked power along with their compatriots who want unhindered corruption so they can depart very wealthy. They need the figurehead.

    In fact they may find a demented fat orange clown doppelgänger as a substitute to pose in rare public outings. He won’t even have to make sense when he talks. If the real FOCer croaks they probably will have him stuffed and mounted sitting at the Resolute Desk holding a KFC bucket.

  10. about 1 month ago on Doonesbury


    Academic and governmental studies find the Trump-Biden tariffs have raised prices and reduced output and employment, producing a net negative impact on the US economy.

    —————-My wife and I have decided to move our big ticket items related to imports earlier than scheduled originally. We think that if the demented FOCer’s plan is implemented then the inflation and unemployment rates will increase by at least 50% by the end of 2025.