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  1. over 5 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    Fair enough. So you do support some degree of regulation. Then I have no kibble with you, as you are willing to have a conversation. Note that I never actually said that I want a ban. I do understand the challenges and issues. The problem is all the people who would lash out even at the mere mention of tame measures such as the ones you suggest under the pretense that their liberties are being violated. It is important for both of us, in our opposite sides to strive to drive the conversation away from the extremes of “destroy all guns” and “don’t you ever dare try to control my guns”.

  2. over 5 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    First, please note that in my post I wasn’t arguing that banning guns is the answer. My criticism was entirely focused on the fact that pro-gun people always jump to say “banning weapons is a reactionary, short-sighted and ineffectual solution”, but never really propose any serious solution. You seem to only know what will not work (prior to even trying it) but have no ideas for alternatives. In other words, all you are promoting is inaction, even as the issue only becomes worse and worse.

    In fact, your very answer to my post reflects this: instead of addressing the point described above, you deflect to having me defend gun control. If I do, then you pick it apart academically and at the end, we’ll have reached exactly the same outcome: nothing at all.

  3. over 5 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    Ah, it’s been 20 years since Columbine and ever since /yet another shooting/ occurs the conversation goes like this:

    Concerned people: Hmm maybe we should do something about the ease with which shooters can get their wea-

    Pro-gunners: Stop right there, you insensitive pricks, this is no time to discuss this!

    -Then when? Something must be done!

    -Sure, but your ideas are clearly overreacting and short-sighted placebo relief that will only make the real issue worse!



    -We’re just waiting for you to finish your idea train and tell us what are the long-term real solutions so we can start enabling them instead.

    -Er… uh… we must do something… about… crazy people! And, um, violent videogames? And hip hop music or whatever.

    -Aaalright. So what can we exactly do now and how exactly can we expect results from it? You seemed really positive that our proposed solution would not work, so surely, you have a detailed, failure-proof plan to achieve a measurable outcome.

    -Uhhhhh… screw you! I already told you, you opportunistic vulture, this is not the time for this! This is a time to respectfully remain silent and send our thoughts and prayers to the victims (only if they are not trained tragedy actors with a leftist agenda, which is totally something that may happen and my implying it is not as grossly insensitive as your trying to politize the matter!)

    -Sigh… Alright, let’s wait.

    Two weeks later…

    -Ok, is it now a good time to talk about doing something regarding the proliferation of mass shootings and gun violence?

    -Lol, what are you going on about? Why are you bringing up that one incident that happened like a decade ago or so? Stop trying to cause hysteria out of nothing, you snowflake.

    Two weeks later, after another shooting

    Maybe /this time/ we should do something abou

    -Stop right there, you insensitive pricks…

    -and so it goes-

  4. almost 6 years ago on Lil' Donnie

    Only correction here is that missing the ceremony did not play well with people of decency and basic humanity. His base? They rushed to the social media to try to come up with justifications for it. In their eyes, Trump simply cannot do wrong.

  5. almost 6 years ago on Nancy

    …his corpse was never found.

  6. over 6 years ago on Nancy

    That’s weak. Better: Shot a video of yourself reacting to and/or dissecting the video and make it last 25 minutes or more. As the creator make sure to act hurt when it becomes clear that she didn’t watch it. You never again will get sent a video!