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Kippy might be in th poolhouse at the manse and Tiff’s hopin he’ll come in an wait under th Christmas tree for her
When we useta take a newspaper, I’d wrap some of th gifts in the color Sunday comics
Either case, they’re ahead of me. I’m hopin to get my tree up tomorrow.
Mebbe the Mrs.‘ll burn up some cookies while I’m gettin th tree up
Alexa.. play Puccini.
Alexa.. play Puccini.That commercial allways cracked me up
It’s hard to bring th oven in to the living room with you
I wonder why that is?
Put some Napalm on th logs. They’ll start right up
Really shirtty jokes?
Put two raviolis on th front of her shirt. One on each side about a quarter of the way down
Couln’t tell you what the Mrs.’ favorite color is an we’ve been married nearly 40 years. Dated for a few years before that too
Kippy might be in th poolhouse at the manse and Tiff’s hopin he’ll come in an wait under th Christmas tree for her