Run, Lester!
Picturing her yelling “Chester!” through the trumpet a la Homer Simpson’s “saxamaphone”.
To be fair, they ate the last donut first, so they didn’t know it was wrong at the time.
Dropped a 40 all.
Surprised the final punchline didn’t play on “Can you go now?” Even just adding a line: “Hey, I got a sports section in me now. So no.”
Halloween was created to teach children about hangovers. Little hair of the dog, son.
These are the two wolves inside me.
“Oh, no! Not that! Anything but that! Not a musical number! Curse you, Leopold!”
Don’t rain on my leg and tell me it’s peeing.
“You boys behave or, so help me, I’ll break off the sphinx’s nose! Don’t think I won’t do it!”
Run, Lester!