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  1. about 22 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Sorry- but the ‘extreme left’ wants food, housing, medical care, and shelter for everyone. The ‘extreme right’ wants an ethnically pure white Christo-fascist state. They are not equivalent.

  2. 10 days ago on Crankshaft

    Thanks for taking on the Nazis (though probably more correct to call them fascists), appreciate you making the effort to slap them around. One note is that they are all following a key tenet of fascist practice- "never allow any criticism to stand in any form’. Even though the strip is making a point about book banning they are ferociously attacking any suggestion at all that book banning is a thing (and yes, firing a teacher for referencing a banned book-which has happened and is happening- constitutes book banning). The actual Nazis practiced this form of argument- never conceding an inch to reality or seeking common grounds for understanding- consistently throughout their reign and our current right wing types certainly carry on that tradition. That said, the only complaint I would have with the strip thus far is that it seems to suggest you can reason with MAGAts- as in them allowing Lilly to say her piece. I find it extremely doubtful in light of their ‘never allow any criticism’ that these types would ever demonstrate such civility.

  3. 29 days ago on Baldo

    Thanks for your comment and the story is – essentially- the same for both me and my sons (when my youngest son was getting married the guys in his gaming group were his groomsmen and they ‘diced off’ for who would be best man). Sadly there is a branch of Christianity, seemingly most fundamentalists, who are only happy when they are hating someone in the Lord’s name, be it blacks, gays, Muslims, and DnD gamers. These were the people who made some of my friends suffer a lot and hence my utter fury at any appearance by them, and while not a Christian I certainly do not equate all Christians with them and apologize if I came across as doing that. Again, thanks for sharing your story and I am sorry to hear about your DM , glad he is doing well now.

  4. 30 days ago on Baldo

    I saw people hurt badly by that attitude in the 80’s so I am not going to ‘lighten up’ because someone on the internet thinks it’s unnecessary. Even though the comment gave little indication of sarcasm when he snidely remarked it was not serious I accepted his statement- though I put it in the category of someone using the ‘n’ word then saying ‘lighten up, it was a joke’ when called on it. Suggest you read about DnD and the satanic panic of the 1980’s, it was unpleasant and ugly for a lot of young people who just wanted to enjoy the game and those of us who had to deal with it are not interested in making ‘jokes’ about it now.

  5. about 1 month ago on Baldo

    Pointing out ‘something interesting’ in that tone sounded a whole lot like a sanctimonious Christian jerk, but assuming you are telling the truth I will take what you said as sarcasm. As for your advice to ‘lighten up’ – no, the attitudes you expressed are what get people dead and I am not inclined to shrug off that kind of garbage.

  6. about 1 month ago on Baldo

    I’ve played DnD since the 1970’s and I’ve had to deal with Christians for even longer. If I don’t want to put up with a lying sanctimonious ignorant jerk I’ll go with a DnD player every time – thanks for providing additional confirmation for my decision.

  7. 3 months ago on Wizard of Id

    Not sure your point here- I concur that Flag sincerely believes that partisanship is wrong and ignorant- I respect his opinion but disagree and feel it is appropriate to confront a lie- in this case the idea that prior to Musk Twitter censored conservative thought when in truth it only removed racist etc. remarks- and feel no need to demonstrate respect or courtesy to those pushing these lies. My response is contrary to both flag and pony’s opinion as to the correct response but I don’t consider them to be malicious in their opinion and I was wrong to initially conclude Flag was. Took us (me?) awhile to get there but as you said, there is nothing to see here now.

  8. 3 months ago on Wizard of Id

    I happen to be a human being and my skin color is irrelevant to this – or pretty much any- conversation. As to your version of history- I have no doubt LBJ said that or something similar- very much in character for him. As for your contention, currently the KKK and Nazi types are voting republican by all accounts. The parties switched positions in the 1960’s and it is very well documented so instead of focusing on saviors go look up “Nixon’s southern Strategy” on google and read it.

  9. 3 months ago on Wizard of Id

    I apologize for the misunderstanding on the insult. The way I saw it was I asked if he meant conservatives were racists etc. since he was suggesting Twitters new policy allowed them to post. That was not an insult but rather pointing to a false assumption on his part- i.e. Twitter was somehow blocking conservatives for making policy remarks prior to this policy which was not happening. Then the remark that was the first insult in this exchange was the liberals child molesters stuff posted by Charles. You obviously read it differently but I absolutely agree you were not insulting anyone in your post and did not mean to imply otherwise. Thanks.

  10. 3 months ago on Wizard of Id

    As flag said the matter is settled. Twitter is a private company and can allow nazis etc. to rant, I argue it is wrong to give them a platform but that is Twitter’s decision to make. Free speech is limited when it comes to inciting acts of violence and some of the racist misogynist stuff straddles that line. As usual you are doing what you do best and selectively parsing statements to make your point. saying leftists tolerate rapists and child molesters but not dissent counts as an insult. My original post was making the point that conservatives were never ‘suppressed’ on Twitter racists, misogynists and Nazis were- so by saying ‘conservatives are no longer suppressed he was making a connection between the two groups that the next responder acted as if it were so with his insult. At that point I engaged at that level with that person i,e. conservatives are racists etc. but I did not start with that premise and anyone could have responded with an explanation that no, racist, nazi, etc. is not a conservative value which used to be true- not so sure anymore but I won’t argue that point. So my point was the bad faith argument initially that conservatives had been suppressed on Twitter was a lie and needed called out. Again, out of respect to Flag I will let this drop so please spare us any more of your ‘logic’ (with apologies for the insult of correctly describing your behavior) – and as to insults, I stand by my point that using them in an argument to deflect from the point is wrong, using them to hammer home a point is fine. We obviously disagree on that, so sorry for the distress/annoyance it may cause you.