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Loki Fire Breather Free

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  1. over 4 years ago on Prickly City

    Lots of comments that only points to half the storyThe half that shows a bias, Apply the laws and the bad guys on both sides are punished without hurting innocents Why did they destroy a Wendy’s , it wasn’t involved!

  2. over 5 years ago on Prickly City

    Seeking asylum means that they have to apply in the country that boarders theirs… ie mexico, that is the international agreement

    If they want asylum.. do it legally

  3. over 5 years ago on Prickly City

    Give me a breakIf they don’t want to be detained, don’t comeOBAMA did it, but press didn’t show that …. except some the pics shown WERE from Obama’s time

  4. over 5 years ago on Prickly City

    Look at Venezuela’s mess to see socialism at its bestWhat folks don’t realize in all the countries with “free health care” is that ALL pay taxes. In the US 75 % don’t pay taxes…. so they little guys will have to pay their share too

  5. over 5 years ago on Prickly City

    They tried and failed, even Obama Osama said it would be impossible, if anything the Russians would influence the like minded dem socialist

  6. over 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Finally a voice of reason

  7. over 5 years ago on Prickly City


  8. over 5 years ago on Prickly City

    So what do not like about success as we want from the government. You don’t get it, he won, she lost. Do you think under she who shall not be named we would have the gdp and lack of unemployment, geez, the previous Adminstration gave up and ran the country into the groundAnd you are saying the socialistic candidates the dems are putting up would do better.. one thing they would do better is run the country into the ground and make everyone poorer. Trump ain’t perfect, but his policies work, and oh by the way ….he won fair and square., and American people shelled out $30 M to prove it.. should pay for that… I say the dems… with

  9. about 6 years ago on Prickly City

    Interesting dialogue, obviously none of the liberals can even phantom that they are no better or worse than the people they are criticizing…. this dialogue sort of proves that… carmen was inconsiderate but the coyote family were mioptic in their views, and just as rude.Lately, from what I hear and read the democratics are just poor sport and should growth up and join the rational world….None of the policies enforced are new, get over it folks.. this separation issue is a farce, as we routinely do it to single parents who are arrested and have children, I don’t hear anything about that?