The ironic part is that the Brown Shirts got theirs on The Night Of Long Knives. That kind has a nasty way of eating their own.
It Could Be Worse: Mickey Mouse + gratuitous fingers in unlikely places = Mickeythulhu!
DISCLOSURE: I’m old enough to remember when TOS was originally broadcast.
Smooth. It helps a great deal with portion control. I usually get the natural smooth from Aldi.
PREDICTION: Crazy Show Cat Lady is gonna change her tune when she figures out that Sophie is blind in her left eye, and the storyline takes a turn for the dark.
2 words: Vienna. Sausages.
I would like to think so, but it’s bittersweet.
obtusely serene “Yes.”
—Ambassador Kosh Narenek, Babylon 5
…or ‘Love Shacked’.
I think that when Snow wakes up, he will think that the dream did not ahem cut the mustard.
I regret NOTHING!
The ironic part is that the Brown Shirts got theirs on The Night Of Long Knives. That kind has a nasty way of eating their own.