
S&C = Dismayed&Depressed Free

it's still little old me. .SadandConfused....Getting older by the day. But with way too many disappointments... So this is the same old me... getting older and sadder every day ..and more decrepit.

Recent Comments

  1. 4 months ago on Family Tree

    That was my solution to menopausal thermonuclear meltdown…ahhhh so cool, so sanity saving.

  2. 5 months ago on Clay Jones

    Whelp, after today you’ll probably be the only political toon I’ll be watching. I’ve already bookmarked your site. I just can’t give up your humor. Today will be the last day I view any political toons at GC. I’m gonna miss the like-minded commentators. I have enjoyed knowing that there were actually sane people left on this world. I hope all of us will prevail and

    VOTE BLUE, 11-05-24!

  3. 5 months ago on Jeff Stahler

    Feels like a staged photo op gone wrong.

    A publicity stunt to make TFG seem like a martyr. That photo with the raised fist , the multitude of secret service guys holding him back from what? the flag flying high, reminiscent of Iwo jima’s famous photo.

    Sorry, it just feels so staged.

  4. 5 months ago on Clay Bennett

    There it is. Biden can and will keep working for the people. Dolt45, not then and not now and not in the future. Dolt45 wants to be the King of America.

  5. 5 months ago on Clay Jones


  6. 6 months ago on Jeff Stahler


  7. 6 months ago on Clay Bennett


  8. 6 months ago on Lalo Alcaraz


  9. 6 months ago on John Deering

    Megalomaniac narcissistic __un__stable wannabe emperor.

  10. 6 months ago on Jen Sorensen

    The nightmare scenario, the reality of project 2025.

    __VOTE BLUE __