Galley title page

11(srangerthings) Free

I'm scared of the Demogorgan, and escaped from him and my grandfather. I hate the dark. I have the ability of making things and people do what i want them to. I love store bought waffles. My friends are Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair(more or less), and Dustin Henderson. I have a crush on Will Byers.

Recent Comments

  1. over 5 years ago on Monty

    i thought that cat was a pig at first

  2. about 6 years ago on Catana Comics

    sorry i have been busy with thanksgiving break, sorry about your work. What do you do for your job, you don’t have to answer if you want to…

  3. about 6 years ago on Catana Comics

    it snowed here yesterday

  4. about 6 years ago on Catana Comics

    YAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!! It’s FREEZING…. I went outside yesterday with just socks and stepped in a puddle of water… i’m sure you dont need to hear the rest to know how cold it was.

  5. about 6 years ago on Catana Comics

    i’m doing good. How could it be better…somthing going on???

  6. about 6 years ago on My Cage: New and Old


  7. about 6 years ago on My Cage: New and Old


  8. about 6 years ago on Catana Comics

    soooo…hows life where ever you are?

  9. about 6 years ago on Close to Home

    yes i saw the “dads diner” sign but it took me ALL these comments just to figure out this. you a good cook?

  10. about 6 years ago on Close to Home

    realize i said “lots of men” in there, i do have to say i have met so many wonderful male cookers. peace!