I like to play MMOs and create sound samples. I also like to view comics hence why I am here. ^v^'
Afterwards, for the elective students… We will begin the “Patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time” session.
“Human is making sounds, when human quits making sounds I get treat!” – Every pet ever =D
Watch for the beak.
I’m still here… At least I think I am.
I have always thought it was pronounced “Ooh-Ra-Noose”
“Humans need plenty of Iron. Here is a Crowbar. Eat up.” – A.I.
Summer = Jun 15 – Aug 1 according to schools
No “Era” was the best era. All “Eras” have pros and cons to them. =3
I did one push up and my shoulders put me on the shelf for months.
Like who just randomly picks up what assume to be a “stray” and NOT immediately get it checked for ownership and illnesses of the “stray”… It is pet ownership 101.
Afterwards, for the elective students… We will begin the “Patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time” session.