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Mrs. SKYKEY's Sister Free

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  1. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    HI Everyone, this is SKYKEY’s sister in law, Sandy. I posted an update on April 17th, about Mrs. SKYKEYS passing also but I don’t know if you can see it, I was having problems with my account. Please let me know if this is visible and also I believe someone out there has all of SKYKEYs postings as a collection, I was wondering if you could send that to me for the family. Thank you all!

  2. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Hi there, I am SKYKEY’s sister in law, Sandy. I think everyone knows of SKYKEY’s passing in December from my sister’s post (which was delayed but eventually sent – it’s posted on 12/28/18 if you want to see it). Anyway, logging in for the first time this past weekend and reading all your wonderful posts, I wanted to let you know that Mrs. SKYKEY, my sister Jeanne, has now joined her husband in eternity. They were together since she was 17 and these last few years, he was taking care of her with her various medical conditions. He died suddenly and it stunned and saddened everyone. Jeanne told me these last few weeks that she missed him so much, she was dying of a broken heart. As much as I tried to persuade her to continue to live and cherish her life, her struggles were too much and she and joined Gil on March 30th, less than 4 months later.

    They never had kids, but Tre C, Megan and various neighborhood feral cats they have helped over the years had been there babies. Tre C and Megan now reside and are loved by my other sister (Sue) and her Calico, (Cofefe). I am trying to gather the stories that SKYKEY was posting since July by cutting and pasting them. I believe one of you has done this work already to send to your daughter. If so, would you mind emailing a copy of that to me (sandys2k@hotmail.com). I have never been part of an on-line community, but I am so impressed with the kind words, encouragement, and camaraderie that is evident throughout your postings.

    I knew Gil had been posting a story online, but until this weekend I hadn’t logged in to read it, it’s so much fun. He was lucky to have this creative outlet and all of you as his friends. As I see in many of your comments and agree with completely, we all need to live our life, laugh when we can, extend compassion to our community, and be grateful every day. Thank you to all of you!