Heaven will be everlasting joy. Jesus Christ. Don’t leave this life without accepting Him as Lord and Savior! Untold thousands of 1st century people were martyred because of their belief in Him. They had seen Him performing miracles, watched Him die and saw Him after He was resurrected from the dead. They did not deny Him. Even though it meant certain death. Please don’t deny Him!
Dims have drained the strategic oil reserve to lower the gas prices, but the real cause of inflation is $5.00 diesel, higher interest rates and printing too much money.
You seem to be a very nice person. Trust Jesus to save you. Read the New Testament. Start with John and read to the end of the Bible. Read a chapter in Proverbs every day. There’s 31 chapters so just start at 11 and go from there. Eventually you should be water Baptized. Don’t worry about all the other stuff! Have a good life!
Our schools opened in August. Sports, band and everything. Nobody died and lots of families are moving here from New Mexico because their governor is an idiot.
My favorite testimony on voter fraud in Georgia is from the Army 305th Intel Unit. Case 2:20-cv-13134-LVP-RSW ECF No. 1-15, PageID.633 Filed 11/25/20. Dominion was caught selling a bunch of their patents to China in 2019. China, Iran and Indivisible (formerly Acorn) with ties to Obama had internet access to their systems during the 2020 election tabulation. They were caught in real time hacking the election!
That’s me! Deplorable garbage! And proud of it!