Also, when I was a kid, I really wanted a pogo stick for Christmas. My mother wouldn’t let have one. She mentioned something about the people living below us wouldn’t like it.
Yesterday I had to buy a plunger. I highly recommend the Korky Black Rubber Plunger. A toilet plunger is a lot like a home defense firearm, it’s good to have one, but you hope you never have to use it.
The sin was disobeying GOD and eating from the tree when they were told by GOD not to touch the tree or eat from it. GOD gave them the knowledge not to eat from the tree lest they die. Knowledge was not the sin. Disobeying GOD was the sin.
About 5 years ago I bought some pork chops at the grocery store and had their meat counter cook up the pork chops for me on their gas grill. The next day I’m using their bathroom and out of the toilet stall comes the same guy who cooked up my pork chops and he walked out of the bathroom without washing his hands. Thats the last time I had any of my meat grilled when he was behind the meat counter.
Or maybe Santa passed out from drinking too much booze.