Basically like saying, I know gay people exist, I just don’t want to see them. Your comment is essentially saying you don’t feel people who think and feel differently than you should be represented. Good to know.
By the way, welcome to the 2020s. Things have changed a bit.
“Getting too old for this world”? Are you saying you like life to be old-fashioned, including non-acceptance of other people regardless of race and sexual orientation? If you’re “old,” then you should know by now that life is constantly changing and evolving. And yes, progressing. There are many people in the LGBTQ+ community, always have been, but now those people are actually able to be themselves and not hidden. Yes, there are going to be young people in middle school, high school and also in Heart’s world who are realizing that they’re gay or lesbian.
I get it that Ann is a good villain, but . . . is she going to get her punishment anytime in the next year or two? Seriously, readers want some justice every now and then.
Sigh…… okay fine, I’ll stick with this one for a while longer and enjoy the adventures of Heart and Dean and Kat. LOL
Besides, this will always be far, far, far, FAR superior to the train wreck called Funky Winkerbean. (That’s one I faithfully read because it’s so bad, it’s . . . sorta good? Okay, no, it’s really bad.) :)
I get it, Mark is adamantly defending his decision, even though I really don’t think the analogy to different actors playing James Bond really works here. And honestly, reading some of his statements feels a bit like, I’m the cartoonist and you’re not, so too bad. As for Lio, it’s fun, but . . . nowhere near as entertaining as Heart. Not by a long shot.
I’m sad that Heart of the City is gone, it’s been a good run. (And sorry, but yes, the strip that we read for years is definitely gone.)
Nothing weird or creepy about this conversation….