Freakin awesome
Yes. Yes I am
You have to share out of the organization.
Watterson. Less slapstick and more humor. Watterson isn’t afraid to write about stuff that is happening in the world.
Just stating the obvious…some people take things way to seriously.
@Calvin and hobbes #1who is @aaai oof ?
I don´t get it.
aka :(—0BVg1W9g—/t_Resized%20Artwork/c_fit,g_north_west,h_1054,w_1054/co_ffffff,e_outline:53/co_ffffff,e_outline:inner_fill:53/co_bbbbbb,e_outline:3:1000/c_mpad,g_center,h_1260,w_1260/b_rgb:eeeeee/c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1569731757/production/designs/6133709_0.jpg
such as his feet.
Yes. Yes I am