Heyyyy this was my idea why are u using it
He wants free ice cream from his barf
Then when he finishes barfing he gets the free ice cream and all the flavors again and then he eats all of it again :P
Then he eats the egg salad on accident without anybody telling him it is then he barfs on teddy ew
Oop I was wrong legend says 65 brain freezes to death oh I was right
The legend says he is going to get fat x100
Welcome to dead Nate :|
He needs ice cream so he becomes fat Nate xD
For real tho but reply on meh people nØw
“DrAmA qUeEnS dOnT uNdEr StAnD yO mAmA sMaCk DoWnS”
Heyyyy this was my idea why are u using it