Bat In Black's Profile
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I am a doodle in the margins, self taught cartoonist. Skills acquired by drawing other cartoonists cartoons. I am a "lefty." In grade school I was forced by my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Sprag, to become a "righty." Whenever trying to do anything lefty, she shrieked. I tried to be a righty but it was futile. I learned to keep my eye on her so I could quickly switch hands. On Valentines day, Sprag set out a glass jar with scissors. I marveled at the single pair of green handled scissors stamped, "Lefty." I Gleefully, & with ease began cutting a heart. So tuned in, I forgot about Sprag. She came from behind, snatched the scissors and twisted them useless. No mind. I learned to cut left handed by flipping the scissors. The darkest moment, black as ink, came when she tied my left arm down. I am a lefty.
I didn’t know Wallace’s dad was a pizza face.