Flamis: and thats why roombas are like cows. flamis: now why kiwi’s and kakapos are great friends. charmol: dude, those walking cat treats? flamis: >:< charmol: whaaat? flamis: now listen here you twerking fire-
theas guys are small domesticated elemental dragons flamis: well that was sudden. charmol: AHHHHHHHHHHHH FIRE WORKS!!! herald looking at fireworks: ohhhhh ahhh. flamis: I know isn’t the spiral one perfect- oh look another on- oh, oh no. charmol:AHHHHHHHH FOREST FIRE, CALL THE FIREFIGHTER GUUUUUUYS AHHHHHH! flamis: NO, THIS IS MY JOB, MY TRUE NAME as a fire fighter IS FIRE FREEZER NOW GET OUT OF HERE FIRE!!! freezes all the fire around him with an icy exploins both herald and charmol:WOOOoooo flamis: I know, I know, I’M pretty cool right. flamis: now let’s get back home, my bros. :>
btw flamis is an ice dragon that is immune fire, he just likes to chew on firewood because he has the urge to bite his claws, like how some people nibble on thier nails.
fire go boom