Hillary was right. The Silly Season is upon us. It got an early start this time. The richness this time is that we have four years of performance well known and fully demonstrated on BOTH of the major candidates. There is no need to listen to what either now says, particularly about each other.
The best part of voting in this upcoming election, if indeed anything good is forthcoming, is that we need not pay any attention to the crazy, panicked, nonsense predictions of each side about what the other candidate will say and do. We have about four years each of solid evidence about how both candidates govern.
We already know what to expect of each candidate. We can safely tune out the “silly season” and still make a make a good decision with our vote. When neither side seems interested in providing more than someone to vote against, that is about as optimistic as I can get. My attitude will not sell advertising but it will provide motivation to vote and enough solid information to vote with my head
Jumping Jehoshaphat?