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Jean Meslier Free

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  1. almost 2 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    I cry every time I think of the little girl in Uvalde who rubbed her best friends blood all over her and played dead.

  2. almost 2 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    In 1990, I fell for the NRA-Republican, “they gonna take our guns”. I bought some guns and joined the NRA. I had been a member in the 1960s. It was an association that promoted gun safety, they had firearms safety courses, the magazine had interesting articles on everything from the latest guns to how guns were made and the history of guns. Nothing political at all. Then it turned into a fund raising arm of the GOP. When I signed up in 1990, I got on every wing nut, far left, survivalist subversive organizations in the country.

  3. almost 2 years ago on Tim Campbell

    Our farmers market buys all their produce for the Dallas Market. It is operated by one family for the past 40 years or so. It originally was open to all vendors and farmers. This family leases it for from the city for $1.00 per year. When we still had a farms in the county, petitions were circulated often to allow other vendors, but they were all denied.There is so much new farming methods and research is showing that soilless farming is far more efficient than dirt farming.Check out the no-till farming methods being used on many larger operations in the Mid-West.

  4. almost 2 years ago on Clay Bennett

    In the 2020 and 2024 general election, the Texas town where I live, Trump flags were right up against the door to the sub-courthouse polling place. We used to have polling places all over the county.In churches, schools, fire department, etc. Now the only place to vote is the sub-courthouse. In 2024 there were people in combat gear, armed with AR-15s, and pistols, swaggering all around the courthouse doors. I have voted my mail since.

  5. almost 2 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Someone said Isaac Asimov wouldn’t get on an airplane. I worked almost 40 years in the aircraft industry. I worked mainly in helicopters. I won’t fly in a commercial airliner. It’s not the initial build that bothers me. The quality of the initial build is very good. Some of you may jump on the V-22 Osprey that crashed in the Potomic early on in the program. The bobble head news things on TV made much of the fact that it came apart. It did, by design. So that troops involved in a wrecked aircraft could get out.When my Dad was a teenager, he and a friend drove people non-stop from St. Louis to Los Angeles, then carried people from Los Angeles to St. Louis.The reason? A lot of people were afraid to ride a train.

  6. over 2 years ago on Clay Jones

    Southern Baptists are taking a hit on sexual abuse,, like the Catholics have had recently.I think all forms of abuse may be more prevalent in the smaller and independent churches and denominations that have no church hierarchy or any oversight.

  7. over 2 years ago on Steve Benson

    Texas used to be a good place to live. My friend Aubrey Privett said that air conditioning is what ruined Texas. It allowed Yankee Republicans to live here.

  8. over 2 years ago on Steve Benson

    I am feared by nearly everyone. I am an Atheist, armed, liberal, yellow dog Democrat. Because of the Big Lie, Fox and fake news I have lost friends or 25 years and 55 years. The 55 years I have known every day of his life. Three of these have High School Diplomas, but can barely read. The other has an 8th grade education.

  9. over 2 years ago on Clay Jones

    I was waiting in the clinic foyer for the bus. The female security guard was getting select people to listen to something on her phone. I’m sitting in a wheelchair near the guard’s desk and begin to nod off. Aha, it worked. She played the thing thinking I was asleep.A woman was claiming she had found the software engineer in Italy who wrote the code to control the voting machines. The code was transmitted to Germany, then via satellite to the voting machines in Georgia. Every time a vote was cast for Trump,, one was generated for Biden. The report was being placed on every congressman’s desk and they would see it when they got back from lunch. Well, Congress was in recess so they didn’t get the memo. And I’m still trying to figure the out the math.

  10. over 2 years ago on Clay Jones

    Why would you make an insulting comment like that? I’m 82 year old male and drove a lot of years. Truck stops were usually the only places open at night for gas or food. Fast food places hadn’t been invented yet. Most cafes closed about 6 pm. when I was driving Diesel pickups in the 1990s, truck stops were the only places to buy road Diesel. The rest rooms were not for the faint of heart. My screen name is that of a French priest of the 1700s. French Jean is English John.