You can go elsewhere to get insurance, but if you decide later you want back in the government’s coverage, you’re out of luck. Once you’re out, you’re out! My wife is a government retiree and her coverage is great! Double bypass surgery and not have to pay a penny? We ain’t complaining!
SeanD, I have a good recipe if you like sugar free pudding. Fix up a fruit salad and stir in a box of sugar free vanilla pudding, just the powder. There will be enough juice to make it into pudding. Let it set in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Deeeelicious!
What ever happened to just reading a comic, laughing, and going on to the next one instead of weird political comments? “However in communist countries if you disobeyed the signs you would be taken out back and your legs would be broken!” ???
Quality control. lol