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lunasariel725 Free

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  1. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Tortimer T. Trilobyte! (“Tortimer” thanks to Georgia. :D)

  2. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I love Lupin’s incredulous face! His little wrinkled nose <3

  3. 4 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Nope, you’re right! She actually mentioned it at the Schulz Museum yesterday (which I was lucky enough to be in the neighborhood for) – Jackie Betty is indeed Tommy and Sophie’s Woman. <3

  4. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Huh, funny how things work out sometimes! Clearly it was just meant to be. :)

  5. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    That’s awful! Funnily enough, my grandfather (the dyslexic one) also didn’t have a middle name – I don’t know if he just got a better nurse, or if things were different when he was born, or what. But when he was drafted, they said he had to have one, so he legally adopted the middle initial F., as in “F—- you.” (Apparently they wouldn’t let him have the full word he wanted, which GoComics wouldn’t let me type anyway. ;) )

  6. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    My mom remembers the first day she was allowed to wear pants to school! Her name is also the masculine spelling of a common name that could go either way; one story I’ve heard holds that my grandmother wanted future employers to think that she was a man so that she would have more opportunities. (The other story holds that my grandfather, who was dyslexic, couldn’t remember how to spell the feminine version, and my grandmother was too out of it from giving birth to correct his spelling.)

  7. 12 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Thimblefist was born for this!

  8. 12 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I think about that illustration every time I’m tempted to scratch a bump on my face!

  9. 12 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    These books were a favorite of this 90s kid, too! They were reissued a few years ago with different (and much tamer) illustrations, but they just weren’t the same. I’m glad they’ve since been re-reissued with the proper, scare-your-pants-off illustrations. Every so often the library where I work will get complaints about them from parents, but we absolutely can’t keep them on the shelves – the kids themselves love them!

  10. over 2 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    My vet recommended human baby food (anything meat-based) or anything marked as “for kittens” – both are very calorie- and nutrient-dense. Is it possible to feed him on your lap to defend the food from other interested parties that don’t need to put on any weight? Small, frequent meals have also worked for us in the past – less leftovers to tempt other interested parties, and if your jaguar’s appetite has been low, smaller meals might be more tempting.

    My kitty definitely lost weight when her bonded buddy passed away, too. He was quite a bit older than she was, so it’s no surprise, but it was still very sad; she was clearly grieving the loss of her friend. She passed away herself the weekend before last – I hope they’re finally reunited now, and that she’s been catching him up on all of the household goings-on.