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firestrike1 Free

my name is Paul, I'm 68 years young as of 2023, I live in the mythical city of Chicago, I've been a life-long reader of Dick's adventures and I'm just an observer of this life and the world we all share, but always with a sense of humor and a funny remark and an all-around good-natured and light-hearted attitude... I have no tolerance for individuals who bring negativity as well as a schitt attitude to the table... I have a way with clever verbiage and I look for the humorous and the ridiculous things about everyday life to make comments upon... and if you feel the need to get ahold of me, you can do so at firestrike@sbcglobal.net any time... so feel free... have a pheasant plucking day...

Recent Comments

  1. about 7 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    yeah, especially the ones that make you want to scratch your eyes out…

    if THEY haven’t scratched out YOURS FIRST…

  2. about 7 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    at last… our female detectives FINALLY out and doing some legwork…

  3. about 12 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    consider it left alone…

    I tend to avoid any sort of itch, if I can… LOL…

  4. about 18 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    you mad Dexter, you…

    now get back to your laboratory… LOL…

  5. about 18 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    hmmmm, let’s see…

    ‘wicked’… check…

    ‘evil’… check…

    ‘unabashed glee’… check…

    hey, wait a minute…

    that sounds like ME…

    displays faux shock at the realization

  6. about 18 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    possibilities would have been endless…

  7. about 22 hours ago on Dick Tracy


    Sir Charles is impressive and HAS impressed today…

    his best individual installment so far…

  8. about 22 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    ah yes, our resident wich-bi-t-ch…

  9. about 22 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    I heartily second that motion…

  10. about 22 hours ago on Dick Tracy


    Shane can always be counted for some top-notch coloring, a master of his craft…