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firestrike1 Free

my name is Paul, I'm 69 years young as of 2024, I live in the mythical city of Chicago, I've been a life-long reader of Dick's investigations/adventures and I'm just an observer of this life and the world we all share, but always with a sense of humor and a funny remark and an all-around good-natured and light-hearted attitude... I have no tolerance for knuckleheaded fvckheads who bring a schitt attitude to the table... I have a way with clever verbiage and I look for the humorous and the ridiculous things about everyday life to make comments upon... and if you feel the need to get ahold of me, you can do so at firestrike@sbcglobal.net any time... so feel free and have a pheasant plucking day...

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    I agree with you on all the above, but you can’t include Charles with Mike and Eric…

    Charles only depicts what is scripted and given to him to draw… it’s Mike and Eric who are the guilty parties and at fault and who has to eat all the blame…

  2. about 9 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Moe… “what time does the clock say?”

    Shemp… “it doesn’t say ANYTHING, it just goes ‘tickticktick’…”

    it’s ‘jokes’ like THAT that made me hate Shemp…

  3. about 9 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    sounds like something my ex would say to me when things went bad between us and I indulged on occasion… LMAO…

  4. about 9 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    nada, nil, naught, nothing…in other words…

    the usual…

  5. about 9 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    I’m not feeling any negatory feelings about it in any way and I can’t blame you for saying it…

    I just happen to be a bad influence here, so blame it all on me… LOL…

  6. about 11 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    if that statement was directed towards ME, I don’t have a mind like that…

  7. about 11 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    I wish the same could be said with this storyline a while ago, but no such luck…

  8. about 12 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    rings up the county revenooers

  9. about 12 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    ‘talking goat’?…

    I WAS right, you ARE back on those hallucinogens again…

    you beez trippin’ quite nicely…

  10. about 21 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    I’m in possession of a dysfunctional organ…

    and I ain’t talkin’ about Hammond…