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  1. over 2 years ago on Luann

    Oh wait, I forgot, we still have Tiff. She can room with Bets and Luann and Bernice are in the other room. Fixed it!

  2. over 2 years ago on Luann

    So here’s my idea. Stef goes to her summer dance thing. Kip follows and gets a summer job in the area. They decide the privacy hut isn’t enough so they elope and when they come back to Uni they move into married housing and hopefully that will be the end of them.Dez goes to Haiti to help build a school and meets a young doctor volunteering at a clinic and decides to take a year off school and stay there for awhile to help him.Luann must be done with CC, it’s only two years, so she transfers to Uni and moves into one of the rooms and Bernice is able to get on a work study program so she is able to move back into the dorm and share the room with Luann.Now they just need one more new character to room with Bets.