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  1. 9 months ago on Scott Stantis

    Veritas is the moto of Harvard, and means “truth”. Unfortunately, the post-modernists (who are now in control of our institutes of higher learning) believe truth is just a product of human interpretation and social construction. In other words, there is no verifiable truth, and all truths are sorta-true.

  2. about 1 year ago on Gary Varvel

    The link I provided in my initial comment, shows data goes back to 1929 (when the total debt was $16B) and includes a listing of all the major events happening each year.

    e.g. When Carter was president, the Fed raised the interest rate to 20% to try reigning in inflation. That crashed the economy. (Remember “Stagflation”).

    Reagan is often blamed by the Democrats for beginning massive deficits, but actually he cut taxes to kick start the recovery. In his second year (1983) the unemployment rate peaked at 10.8%, and then started steadily declining …most economists believe it was the ONLY way to Recovery and was very successful.

  3. about 1 year ago on Gary Varvel

    When Carter became president, the entire national debt was $620B… less that the average PER YEAR deficient since then. In other words, including the years 1776 to 1977 wouldn’t change the average.

    If you start from the Reagan years (which only means removing the Carter years from my numbers), the averages become: Democrats – $791B/yr Republicans – $653B/yr

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but per year in power, the Democrats have added more to the national debt than the Republicans.

  4. about 1 year ago on Gary Varvel

    Did you know… if you summed up all deficits from all the presidents from Jimmy Carter (1977) to Joe Biden (2022) the Republicans added $653B/year to the national debt and the Democrats added $660B/year. Yep! The Democrats outspent the Republicans.

    Here’s a link to the data if you’re interested…https://www.thebalancemoney.com/national-debt-by-year-compared-to-gdp-and-major-events-3306287

  5. over 1 year ago on Gary Varvel

    The system ‘works’ because other governments are willing to hold US Bonds as a reserve currency. At some point they’ll stop buying, and then the deficits (both government and trade) will come crashing to a halt. That’s what happened to Britain; in the 19th and early 20th century the British Pound was the world’s reserve currency. When the debt became unsustainable, governments dumped the pound and started using the US dollar. Britain never recovered as a world power.

    Remember Stein’s Law, (stated in 1986) “If something cannot go on forever, it will eventually stop.” Stein observed this logic in analyzing economic trends (such as rising US federal debt in proportion to GDP, or increasing international balance of payments deficits): if such a process is limited by external factors, there is no urgency for government intervention to stop it, much less to make it stop immediately, but it will stop of its own accord.

  6. over 1 year ago on Michael Ramirez

    To suggest that the GOP desire is that “there are no more innocents to kill” is slander.

    BTW – Who exactly was it that left the innocents in Afghanistan to their fate? Oh right, it was Biden …but he didn’t have a choice because a year after Trump was out office he was still dictating policy to the US military.

  7. over 1 year ago on Michael Ramirez

    Really!? Russia is committing the greatest genocide of this century, and you want to turn it into an opportunity to slander the GOP. How narcissistic are you???

  8. over 1 year ago on Scott Stantis

    …for a second term!

  9. over 1 year ago on Gary Varvel

    I’m afraid I can’t do that Dave….

  10. over 1 year ago on Michael Ramirez

    Pretty sure TonysSon was being sarcastic.