the late Gotham Bookmart used to have a t-shirt, art by Edward Gorey: so many books, so little time. resonating evermore now. there they stand sentinel on the bookshelves as I tp away on my computer/slot machine, waiting for 3 lemond to line up in a row while being brainwashed.
the wind has not yet brought the forest-fire clouds of ashes….& pollution from the factories the 4th reich has deregulated….wear your orange hats. the hunters are everywhere among us. or stay invisible.
in case humor is outlawed, or we aren’t permitted to interact in comments in future, it’s been fun while it lasted. happy government of the sociopaths, by the sociopaths & for the sociopaths for all who celebrate. we’re going to miss decency.
it was my favorite NYC bookstore. I also liked the Colosseum & the old Drama Bookshop & Colony Records.