I must not be a plugger, despite my age – I’ve always been nocturnal, and stay up just as late now as I did in my twenties (hint: well past midnight). The main difference between now and then is that now I don’t drink until the wee hours.
Musical terminology. “Counting in” ensures that musicians are in sync as far as beat, tempo, and time signature when they begin to play. “In four” refers to a 4/4 time signature (four beats per measure), so she’d count in “1, 2, 3, 4”.
Demand seems to be infinite, but it’s largely manufactured by a 24/7 sports news cycle grounded in social media hungry for “content”. I’m a rabid fan of several sports, but I’m also under no illusions as to the negative effects of the current system.
I suspect they’d get a thumbs-up from George Carlin.