1. Unrelated I Love You Daphne Arc – we had a lot of Daphne, we need more, but with a better arc.2. Femme Fatality? I miss her3. Sports, as in soccer. – We haven’t seen soccer anymore.
Honestly, I love the story, but we had this arc for too long, just to confirm together that they love each other. I mean, don’t they already know that?
5/10, just like BNFF1, disappointed, yet I am glad that this arc is most likely over. I do love how we have Daphne time, which we haven’t had in quite some time, hopefully we have a Daphne arc that isn’t related to the same strip for the past 3 weeks. Good strip though!
Unfortunately, I can relate, I am also disappointed. I think Mr Pierce is running out of ideas. I wonder if there are any other arcs we have in mind, just to help him out.
Hm, nah. We haven’t got soccer in a bit. Football is boring in my opinion because they aren’t on a team.