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katlover Free

Recent Comments

  1. 15 days ago on Ten Cats

    Um yas, and if you have any nuts in your cheeks…yup…a carrying fee!!

  2. 15 days ago on The Barn

    Those “durn”tootsie pops!!

  3. 24 days ago on Ten Cats

    As we know, Chesney is always off track …that attitude!!

  4. 24 days ago on Ten Cats

    Mine kept taking me to a big barn, about half a minute from where I needed to drive!! Lol

  5. 24 days ago on The Barn

    I have 8 cats, however…I think wet sheep, or bovine would smell worse aka Rory and Stan!! Methane machines…lol

  6. 26 days ago on Pickles

    Never poke the bear….er’—-Opal

  7. 26 days ago on Ten Cats

    With those two, it’s often a loathing to loving relationship

  8. 27 days ago on Ten Cats

    Chesney’s morality ends at breakfast, lunch and dinner…outta the way you 9 !!

  9. 27 days ago on The Barn

    Kinda like retired life too…I could cut the grass, trim the hedges, vacuum the house….or….Zzzzzzz

  10. 27 days ago on Pickles

    C’mon…Earl’s sandwiches Opal makes him probably weigh one-and a half pounds!! And that’s no (bologna)!