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  1. 7 days ago on El Café de Poncho

    I’m reading this comic to help with my Spanish studies. I can’t understand the last panel. So I went to the English version, and I STILL can’t understand it.

    I guess I did pretty good with the Spanish version after all.

  2. about 1 month ago on Baldo en Español

    I see a lot of tú on gocomics where I think it doesn’t belong. I’ve heard that use of the familiar is increasing and people are using first names more than señor.In this case, usted would be shorter (te to se and dedicas to dedica.)I also remember a comic where Baldo held is mouth when a customer complimented him on his good English. He wanted to say “Of course I speak good English, I was born here.” Maybe Baldo doesn’t know the difference?

  3. about 2 months ago on Baldo en Español

    Very poorly.

  4. about 2 months ago on Baldo

    Especially those of us reading the Spanish version.

  5. about 2 months ago on Baldo en Español

    That annoying banner ad across the top that wouldn’t scroll when I wanted it to is gone. :)

  6. about 2 months ago on Baldo en Español

    Not being the author, I can’t answer your first question.

    Not being a native Spanish speaker, I wonder the same thing. But a large part of it is “Would a native Spanish speaker, who is at an equivalent level of learning English, be able to understand the English version?”

    And yeah, puns and homonym jokes don’t translate well.

  7. 4 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Another couple ways of putting it. An Ex is a has been. Or an expert is a guy from out of town with a briefcase.

  8. 4 months ago on Baldo en Español

    I tend to wonder who translates them. I don’t think Bill Watterson is translating Calvin and Hobbes or Charles Schulz is translating Peanuts. Frank and Ernest/Justo y Franco is full of puns and sometimes has an adjusted strip because the puns don’t work.

  9. 4 months ago on Baldo

    The joke could sound offensive to a Latin sur-named individual. I know Baldo is a natural born citizen of an English speaking country and has a native accent, but there have been other strips where he is the target of discrimination based on his name and appearance.

  10. 5 months ago on Baldo en Español

    The infinitive is often used in Spanish where English uses whatever tense ends in -ing. So Venir is both to come and coming, depending on context.